What We Did After Graduation
Over the years, we've collected a few pictures from our years shortly after graduation, and some more recent, showing how we have kept in touch for the past 60+ years. Sometimes, one of the classmates is the photographer! Sharing these photos with you is the goal of this page.
We'd be more than happy to add your pictures to this page. Just send them to us with names, dates, location and story, if there is one. See our FAQ page and/or our Contact Webmaster page for ways to send them.
We'd be more than happy to add your pictures to this page. Just send them to us with names, dates, location and story, if there is one. See our FAQ page and/or our Contact Webmaster page for ways to send them.
Petrzilka, Schlueter, Forte
Nancy Belding Petrzilka (Co64) posted this picture on Facebook saying it was in the 60's and the guys were getting ready for a trip out West. Someone mentioned Ricks Italian shoes and the unsuitability for that occasion.
KoronaNolanVertical Divider
Miller |
ColfordEvans & PetrzilkaStill keeping in touch after all these years!
Nolan, Simmons, Stark
In August, 1965, Bill Nolan, Larry Stark and Reid Simmons took the Simmons family station wagon to visit the National Railroad Museum near Green Bay, Wisconsin, and camped at Terry Andrae State Park.