Time to be Together Again!
Date |
Played |
Score |
Result |
Aug 30 |
Round Lake (Home) |
42-0 |
Won |
Sep 6 |
Joliet Central (Away) |
57-28 |
Won |
Sep 13 |
Glenbard South (Away) |
63-8 |
Loss |
Scores from Scores Stream.
WebMaster's Need Your Help?
Please help us keep this site interesting, current and relevant by submitting memories, stories and/or pictures form our high school days. Have you taken an interesting trip? Did you recently visit, or were your visited by, a follow classmate? What's happening in your life today?
While we can use all most anything, we are particularly interested in any of the following:
While we can use all most anything, we are particularly interested in any of the following:
- Pictures or memories from our first 3 reunions to add to Our Reunions page.
- The names of more local businesses from the 50's & 60's to add our Local Businesses page.
- Suggestions for things you remember from the "good old days" and might be wondering what they look like today or even if they still exist.
- Have you taken an interesting trip in recent years? Pictures & stories welcome.
- Do you have a favorite memory or story from your youthful years in West Chicago?
Recent Site Changes
09/15/2024 - Added another half dozen new names to our Local Businesses page.
09/15/2024 - Added Wild Cat football scores to the Homecoming article on the top of this page.
09/12/2024 - Changed page headers from 60 to 61 Years After Graduation. Better late than never!
09/4/2024 - Updated the above Calendar and the Contact Webmasters pages.
08/30/2024 - Added WCCHS 2024 Homecoming to the Home page.
08/30/2024 - Added several new names to our Local Businesses page.
08/25/2024 - Updated our Washington Elementary School page with info about a class picture of our classmates who attended 5th grade in the annex.
08/17/2024 - Moved the 50th zoom to our Monthly Zoom Meetings page and added our 51st meeting to this page.
08/17/2024 - Moved Jim Thompson's passing to our Classmate's page.
Site Changes are continued on our Site Change Log page.
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