Remembering Winfield Public School
Five of our classmates attended Winfield Public School, now Winfield School District 34. The June 5th Class of 1959 included WEGO1963 grads Tom Aitken, Bill Hossman, Bob McCoy, Jim Steel and Mary VanNess.
Tom recalls attending early grades in the original two room school building then graduating from the new expanded structure having four classrooms. The original structure was converted into a gym/meeting room where some of us attended boy scout meetings. Graduation Exercise
Winfield Glimpses from June 2, 1959 provides a short article about the upcoming June 5th Winfield Public School graduation and includes ads for a few of our remembered local businesses. Wonder what the businesses paid for advertising back then? Noted and paid.
We'll continue to rummage around library archives for pics and more detail on school history once we can gain access during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak. |