West Chicago Public Libraries - A Brief History
Wikipedia says the Congregational Church had a library as far back as 1856. According to Frank F. Scobey, West Chicago City Historian, in his booklet "100 Years of Incorporation", circa 1973, page 48, the first semblance of a library in West Chicago was "...established by the temperance group of the railroad fraternity, and their reading room was dedicated on March 15, 1870...". A "Reading Room" was available a couple days a week in the Bolles Opera House starting in 1894. Within a year or so, it was open 7 days a week.
A volunteer library opened in 1929 on the 2nd floor of the old city hall. After reorganizing in 1934 to a municipal library, a permanent dedicated library building was constructed in 1954. The following two pictures are the city library that we knew before, during and after our high schools years.
The following two pictures show the city library as it looks today.
Wikipedia contains a more complete history of the West Chicago Public Library.